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Clenching or grinding your teeth especially during the night may be an underlying cause of persistent headaches and migraines.
It can also cause toothwear leading to fractures in your teeth which can cause pain and sensitivity.
Anti-grinding devices are custom made devices that fit over your teeth and help to relax the muscles associated with clenching, thereby providing relief to the muscles of your face, head and neck.
If you think you may be grinding your teeth excessively or suffer from symptoms associated with Bruxism, give us a call for a comprehensive assessment.
Sports Mouth Guards

If you play a contact sport then it is essential that you wear a mouth guard to prevent injury to your mouth and jaw, and to help prevent concussion.
A custom made mouth guard will
Reduce the risk of fracture of the teeth and jaws by transmitting the forces of a direct blow around the dental arch and mouth guard
Maximise strength in desired areas
Minimise speech impairment
Increase compliance, due to comfort and individual styling
It is important to wear a professionally made mouth guard whenever you play a sport that involves physical contact. These include:
Cricket, hockey and football - which can cause broken and damaged teeth
American football, boxing and rugby - which can all cause broken or dislocated jaws
Children should start wearing a mouth guard as soon as they start playing contact sports, usually around the age of eight, as their new adult teeth are particularly vulnerable for the first few years after they have emerged.
'Boil and bite' mouth guards bought over the counter or online may be cheaper but usually fit badly causing them to fall out, can be uncomfortable to wear and can even cause choking! Also the material is at its thinnest where it is needed most.​
Mouth guards can be made in various colours and designs, so take your pick!
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